Our People: Fact or Myth?

From where we live to how we dress, many people have preconceived notions about Native Americans that are often incorrect. Read below to learn more about our people.


"Real" Native Americans live by the land, hunting and gathering all day to earn their living.


Subsistence skills and traditional knowledge are very important to our cultural heritage today and in our past. However, in addition to knowing our traditional ways, Pechanga Band tribal members hold a variety of professional positions within and outside of our tribal government and reservation area. Some professions we serve include:
  • Tribal Government
  • Education
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military (Officers and Enlisted)
  • Medical
  • Resource Management
  • Museum Management
  • Resort & Facilities Management
  • Human Resources Management
  • Public Relations
  • Economic Development
  • Legal
  • Environmental Management
  • Casino


All Native Americans live on reservations — if you meet a person living in a city or suburb it follows that they couldn't really be Native American.


Pechanga Tribal members may live on or near our Band's reservation, or may just as easily and appropriately live in surrounding urban communities, across the United States or abroad. Nationally approximately half of tribally enrolled people live on or near reservations and approximately half live off-reservation. In the case of Pechanga approximately 50% of our tribe live on or near the reservation.


Native American people don't achieve high academic accomplishment.


Today, Pechanga tribal members excel in many academic areas and our members include doctoral candidates, graduate students, those studying at the bachelor's level, along with those attending technical or other studies. We are proud to be able to provide increased educational opportunities and support to our members. We realize only 40 years ago US Census figures showed that less than 4% of all Native American people graduated from high school. Through the self-reliance and determination of many Indian people — times have changed. And so it is with us at Pechanga.


Native American people are not very active in community building efforts and are rather passive.


Pechanga Tribal members, whether our youth, our adults or our elders (Silver Feathers) contribute volunteer hours to a variety of organizations and causes both within our tribal community and to neighboring efforts, locally, regionally and nationally.


Tribes do not contribute anything to the benefit of their neighboring communities.


Tribes with significant gaming revenues often immediately share charitable contributions with nonnative neighboring communities, and others regionally and nationally. Corporate interests in the United States had almost 150 years of development before formalized philanthropy became a part of their civic responsibilities with the advent of the nonprofit sector in the early 1900's. Conversely, Native American business enterprise success had translated into nearly immediate philanthropic support to a variety of community efforts. The most recent data shows that Tribal Nations across the country give over $80 Million in charitable contributions alone. Read more about Pechanga Tribal Impact.